
There are five sections:

  1. Feed Name & Action
  2. Contact details
  3. Affiliate link click tracking
  4. API goal conditional logic
  5. Combine fields
  6. Feed conditional logic
  7. Gravity Forms => Infusionsoft data type map

First Step: Feed Name & Action

Start by creating a Feed or editing an existing feed. Click the "Add New Feed" button to initiate Feed creation.

Contact Details

Use this section to describe what actions the Feed Add-On will take when processing a form post that can create a new Infusionsoft Contact.

Conditional API Goal Logic

This is an optional step.

You can configure the Feed Add-On to cause an Infusionsoft Contact to achieve an API goal under certain conditions. In this example, the goal is achieved only when the visitor enters an email address.
  1. Enable conditional API goal logic
  2. Enter the API goal name
  3. Select the Gravity Forms field, the condition kind, the condition value
  4. Add another row, or save the current settings

Combine Fields

This is an optional step.

The purpose of this feature is to help you avoid assigning too many Infusionsoft custom fields when saving form entries from a form that has many recordable fields.
You configure the Feed Add-On to set a selected Infusionsoft Contact value to a comma-separated list. The list values are obtained from Gravity Form's multivalued field types such as checkbox, radio.
Use the list values as input to various Infusionsoft decision diamond rules based on the "contains value" rule.
The decision diamond rule will search the Contact field for a match to the appropriate checkbox value and branch to the assigned sequence when found.
Step One: Define the Gravity Form Fields
Use the same class name for each multivalued field that should be combined into one Infusionsoft field.
You don't need to define the class. Use a space to separate CSS Class names.
The class name is a signal to the plugin that this field will participate in sending combined values to Infusionsoft.
  1. Create a Gravity Form that contains at least one multivalued field type.
  2. Select the field's Appearance tab and enter a CSS class name.
Step Two: Define the Feed Setting
  1. Enable combine fields feature.
  2. Enter the CSS Class name that you used on the form.
  3. Choose an Infusionsoft field to receive the combined value.
Consider three radio button groups.
Each of the radio button groups has the CSS class lifestyle.
When assigning each value consider using a prefix; which will be used to identify identical values when those values are used in multiple lists. Avoid spaces in the prefix. In this example the prefix will be the group name abbreviation.
The labels do not need the group prefix, so they will not match the values.
A sample Contact entry for three radio buttons might be: EX-Frequently, OB-No, AL-Frequently; which value would be found in the assigned Contact field.
To apply a tag related to Frequent Exercise, use a decision diamond that branches based on a contains test for the string EX-Frequently.

Feed Conditional Logic

This is an optional step.
You can cause the Feed Add-On to create an Infusionsoft Contact under certain conditions. For example, Contact creation occurs only when the visitor enters an email address.
  1. Enable conditional feed logic.
  2. Select the Gravity Forms field, the condition kind, the condition value.
  3. Add another row, or save the current settings.

Update The Feed

Click the Update Settings button to save your work.

Clear Field Cache

Due to Infusionsoft API usage limits, Gravity Forms stores Infusionsoft custom fields data for twelve hours. If you make a change to your custom fields, you might not see it reflected immediately due to this data caching.

Employ the following procedure to clear this cache. Infusionsoft custom fields will be available when you edit a feed.

  1. Navigate to Gravity Forms Settings > Systasis Gravity Forms Feed Add-On.
  2. Click the "Clear Custom Fields Cache" button

Gravity Forms => Infusionsoft data type map

These are suggested GF types.

The GF Single Line Text data type will map to any Infusionsoft data type.

Infusionsoft data types that **do not** define value choices will reject a bad value when that value is out of range. For example, Infusionsoft will not store a Single Line Text with the value "32-Jan-2018" as a Date data type.

Infusionsoft data types that define value choices will accept any value even when that value is not in the choice list.

Infusionsoft            Gravity Forms      Comment
-------------           ------------       -------
Contact File Box        File Upload

Currency                Number             2 decimal places

Date                    Date

Date/Time               N/A

Day of Week             Drop Down          Use numbers 1 - 7 as values
                                           See Note 1
                        Number             Use GF min/max

Decimal Number          Number

Drilldown               N/A

Dropdown                Drop Down

Email                   Email

Month                   Drop Down          Use numbers 1 - 12 as values 
                                           See Note 1
                        Number             Use GF min/max

List Box                Multi Select

Name                    Name (Full)

Percent                 Number

Phone Number            Phone

Radio                   Radio Buttons

Social Security Number  N/A

State                   Drop Down          Use two-letter state abbreviation as values
                                           See Note 1

Text                    Single Line Text   255 characters

Text Area               Checkboxes        \
                        Drop Down          \
                        Multi Select        > 64,000 characters, csv list of selected options
                        Radio Buttons      / See Note 1
                                          / See Note 2

Text Area               Paragraph Text     64,000 characters

User                    N/A

User List Box           N/A

Website                 Website

Whole Number            Number             Round half away from zero

Year                    Drop Down          See Note 1
                        Number             Use GF min/max

Yes/No                  Checkboxes        \ See Note 3
                        Drop Down          \ See Note 1
                                            > Yes = 1, No = 0
                        Radio Buttons      /
  1. Ensure the default value is the empty value; make the first entry an empty value.
  2. Map combineable fields using the "Combine Fields" feature and setting the CSS class on the field's Appearance tab.

    Use the Infusionsoft Text Area datatype to store more than 255 combined characters.

  3. For opt-in, consider a Checkbox with a single option value "Yes".